Relevant ABCD Tweets Since 2015-01-01

Relevant ABCD Tweets Since 2015-01-01#

All tweets included in the document here are results of a twitter pull including the following keywords and hashtags:

  • “ABCD study”

  • “Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study”

  • “Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study”

  • “ABCD sample”

  • “ABCD Study Site”

  • “#ABCD study”

  • “#abcdstudy”

  • “ABCD-BIDS Community Collection”

If you have suggestions for other keywords or hashtags to include in the twitter pull, please reach out to

The document is sorted by the following categories:

  • Announcements

  • Questions

  • Issues

  • Resources

  • Shout-outs

  • Opportunities

  • Papers

  • Posters

  • Presentations

To view relevant tweets from the past week, please visit the following link.