User Manual#

Welcome to Now I Know My ABCD! This collaborative team project was initiated during Neurohackademy 2022, a summer school in data science and neuroimaging held at the University of Washington eSciences Institute. Our team consists of some wonderful humans. As the creators of this website, we will be maintaining the content as best we can. To reach out, please see contact information below:

Our hope is that we have provided ABCD researchers with a resource hub filled with frequently asked questions, code troubleshooting, archived Slack or related message board threads from past workshops, and associated tweets. Our group is committed to open science, careful work practices and a safe professional working space. A little more on this:

Open science#

Open science is a movement in the scientific community promoting the dissemination of accessible research to society at all levels. Open science is committed to transparency and our hope that we have contributed to this development through collaborative networks.

Careful work practices#

We should all strive to be vigilant about our data and analyses. Mistakes absolutely happen, but we should do as much as we can to prevent them and detect them. We hope to provide you with a resource to circumvent most issues, however, please note that we can not guarantee that we have the answers to all questions related to ABCD.

Safe professional working space#

This goes without saying but please be mindful that this is a safe, professional working space. We ask that you be considerate when navigating our website as well as respectful to others when contributing insights to the discussion board.

Important note: This resource is meant to be accessible for researchers with or without a Data Use Certification (DUC), however, if you are interested in obtaining a DUC to work with the ABCD dataset, please refer to

Lastly, we are thrilled to have you here and hope this network continues to grow!